Tuesday, April 5, 2011

dictionary project !

I believe this website is a good idea. Not only can you find words you want to understand, it also talks about articles relating to the project. For example, Verizon helped donate dictionaries to prisoners at the quest Institution of Charlottesville, VA. http://dictionaryproject.com/news/national-news/verizon-brings-dictionary-project-prisoners. Also they have constant updates and articles on how the project affects the country. It is also very easy to manuever in the website and look up words and articles.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Cyber Schools

I believe cyber schools is for students who have too much activities going on in their life. Students who are jammed pack with community service,sports, etc should take online classes. Students who arent that occupied should still take traditional classes. Unless they wanna take up an online course that their school does not offer such as economics or philosophy. This would be a great idea for some, but worthless for others.